Mentor Match and Mentor Mixer
Mentor Match Period: January-June 2024
Mentor Mixer: December 12, 2023
5:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.
Current EL participants and LM alumni are invited to attend this mixer before our mentor-matching process in January.
Leadership Montgomery’s mentor connections help match Emerging Leaders with experienced leaders to help them grow their leadership and careers. LM’s mentor matching offering pairs mentees and mentors based on stated goals, skills, and preferences.
Once paired, mentors and mentees will have the opportunity to participate in up to six guided mentoring sessions and may choose to continue their relationship beyond the program year. In addition to the guided session agendas, LM’s Together mentoring platform will help mentors and mentees set goals for their sessions as well as calendar their time together.
Interested mentors are invited to an optional “How to be a Good Mentor” session one hour prior to the mixer.
What you can expect from a mentor/mentee connection:
- Mentoring resources to ensure you can make the most of your pairing, including a handbook and online learning module
- Agendas for six mentoring sessions
- Get to Know Each Other
- Setting Goals
- Solve a particular situation
- Shadowing
- Networking & Peer Feedback
- Wrap up and reflect
- Email reminders to schedule sessions and complete tasks in support of your mentoring relationship