Corporate Engagement is how businesses engage with internal and external stakeholders to add value for their enterprises and for their communities’ benefits. From a process once treated as incidental to productivity, corporate engagement is now integral to helping businesses survive an increasingly complex environment. To effectively address culture change, adaptation, employee engagement, and business competitiveness, corporate responsibility must be embedded into an organization’s infrastructure and reflected in its values.
With more than 30 years of critical forward-thinking work, Leadership Montgomery has the expertise to support businesses navigating this complex landscape and promoting passionate engagement that will create a lasting and impactful legacy for Montgomery County.
Leadership Montgomery operates at the center of the county by providing specialized programs, in-house trainings, and private consultations to help businesses maximize their corporate engagement efforts. Central to this strategy is the LM’s unwavering equity lens, which seeks to ensure that, individually and collectively, the community in which we have deep roots and connections has the resources it needs to maximize the benefits of a multicultural society while mitigating the risks for unfavorable outcomes. We operationalize this through the recently launched Business Leaders Impact Council (BLIC), a cornerstone of LM’s corporate engagement strategy.
LM employs a localized approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on education, health and human services, food and education, poverty, the environment, the workplace, and the three Cs – community, connections, and communications. These issues are relevant to the county and a broader quest for peaceful, equitable, and productive societies.
We offer three distinct offerings to help a company’s corporate engagement needs:
Business Leaders Impact Council
The Business Leaders Impact Council (BLIC) is designed to help leaders develop and center their CSR efforts by providing access to best practices in giving programs, employee volunteerism, and community engagement that benefit both organization and the community.
Workshops & Training
LM’s training menu supports leaders by helping them navigate societal shifts and leadership trends by offering standard and customized training courses.
Consulting: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Through our consultations, we can provide an expert assessment of your DEI initiatives with evidence-based approaches and cultivate specialized trainings to help evaluate workplace impact, develop goals, and strengthen DEI integration.
For more information on the Business Leaders Impact Council, Contact Kaarmin Ford at
For consulting and training, contact Dana Pauley at
Corporate Engagement is how businesses engage with internal and external stakeholders to add value to their enterprises and for the mutual benefit of their communities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a business’s philanthropic efforts and voluntary contributions to societal development within their communities and beyond. It is the guiding lens through which internal and external stakeholders engage. Internally, the focus is typically on the workplace and employee satisfaction, while externally, it addresses some societal need. Marginalized communities are often the focus of CSR efforts. While it can take different forms, the most valuable initiatives focus on the greatest societal need. This means marginalized communities are usually front and center of the best efforts.
To remain successful, organizations must remain connected to their stakeholders and contribute to developing their communities outside a profit-oriented role. Research shows that more and more customers want businesses and brands they patron to be responsive to the needs of their communities and society.
Montgomery County ranks 20th among the wealthiest in the United States and 12th among its most diverse. It’s a dualling tale of wealth and poverty, primarily among its Black and Brown populations. Due mainly to historical events that have been hostile to non-white people and policies that have adversely impacted immigrant communities, the county’s emerging multicultural majority holds significantly less wealth and an overall lower quality of life. On the one hand, this does not bode well for the county’s future.
On the other, it offers endless opportunities for businesses to engage in problem-solving, positively impact their communities, and leave a lasting legacy through corporate engagement and corporate social responsibility.
The strategies offered by LM are integral to helping businesses thrive in this increasingly complex environment. LM helps to ensure corporate responsibility programs are engrained to address culture change, adaptation, employee engagement, and business competitiveness. The Business Leaders’ Impact Council, private consulting, and customized training are the primary ways LM supports corporate engagement.
Yes. The services are an excellent value for your bottom line.
Membership levels for the Business Leaders Impact Council range from $1,000 to $5,000.
The costs for consulting and training vary based on the business’s needs.
Contact us for your corporate engagement needs at 301.881.3333