LM Alumni Tackle Community Challenges

Harnessing the Power of Leadership: LM Alumni Tackle Community Challenges Head-On As a community leadership organization, Leadership Montgomery’s role is to convene leaders across communities representing diverse sectors, skills, and lived experiences to create better cultures and outcomes for people in Montgomery County. Because we represent different areas, sectors, and backgrounds, we have an opportunity [...]

LM Alumni Tackle Community Challenges2023-10-30T18:12:00+00:00

Reflections on Israel-Hamas War

Reflections on Israel-Hamas War As a result of the conflict that has taken place in Israel, we are aware that many in the LM network and around the region have been directly affected. It is impossible to ignore the loss, grief, and anxiety currently experienced by so many. We support all those navigating the extremely [...]

Reflections on Israel-Hamas War2023-10-20T16:48:31+00:00
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